set -e while getopts ":h" option; do case $option in h) # display Help echo "Usage: ./ [namespace. defaults to kfuse] [new storage class. defaults to kfuse-ssd] [tmp_dir. defaults to /tmp/kfuse_migrate_storage]" exit;; esac done namespace=$1 to_storage_class_name=$2 tmp_dir=$3 if [ -z "$namespace" ]; then namespace="kfuse" fi if [ -z "$to_storage_class_name" ]; then to_storage_class_name="kfuse-ssd" fi if [ -z "$tmp_dir" ]; then tmp_dir="/tmp/kfuse_migrate_storage" fi echo Migrating storage class of Kfuse on namespace $namespace to storage class $to_storage_class_name. Using temp dir $tmp_dir. read -p "Proceed? (y/n)" echo # (optional) move to a new line if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then echo Not Proceeding. exit fi stss="kafka kafka-zookeeper pinot-server-realtime pinot-server-offline pinot-zookeeper kfuse-configdb" echo Creating temp dir $tmp_dir mkdir -p $tmp_dir for sts in $stss do echo Checking sts $sts sts_info=`kubectl get sts $sts -n $namespace -o ',STORAGE_CLASS:.spec.volumeClaimTemplates[].spec.storageClassName' --no-headers` has_kfuse_ssd=`echo $sts_info | awk '$2 ~ /kfuse-ssd(-aws$|-gcp$|$)/ { print $1 }'` if [ -z "$has_kfuse_ssd" ]; then echo Skipping sts $sts echo continue fi sts_existing_storage_class=`echo $sts_info | awk '{ print $2 }'` if [ "$sts_existing_storage_class" == "$to_storage_class_name" ]; then echo $sts is already using $to_storage_class_name. Skipping. echo continue fi echo Migrating storage class of sts $sts from $sts_existing_storage_class to $to_storage_class_name read -p "Proceed? (y/n)" echo # (optional) move to a new line if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then echo Skipping sts $sts continue fi sts_pvs=`kubectl get pv -o ',,PVC_NAMESPACE:.spec.claimRef.namespace,STORAGE_CLASS:.spec.storageClassName' | awk -v namespace=$namespace -v sts="data-$sts-[0-9]" '$3 == namespace && $2~sts { print $1 }'` for pv in $sts_pvs do echo Setting ReclaimPolicy of $pv to Retain kubectl patch pv $pv -n $namespace --patch '{"spec": {"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy": "Retain"}}' done kubectl get sts -n $namespace $sts -o=yaml > $tmp_dir/$sts.yaml sed "s/storageClassName: $sts_existing_storage_class/storageClassName: $to_storage_class_name/g" $tmp_dir/$sts.yaml > $tmp_dir/${sts}_updated.yaml echo Deleting sts $sts kubectl delete sts $sts -n $namespace sts_pvcs=`kubectl get pvc -n $namespace -o '' --no-headers | awk -v sts="data-$sts-[0-9]" '$1~sts { print $1 }'` for pvc in $sts_pvcs do echo Deleting pvc $pvc kubectl delete pvc -n $namespace $pvc done # Patch the pv to use kfuse-ssd storage class and clear claimRef for pv in $sts_pvs do echo Setting Storage Class of $pv to $to_storage_class_name kubectl patch pv $pv -n $namespace --patch "{\"spec\": {\"claimRef\": {\"uid\": null}, \"storageClassName\": \"$to_storage_class_name\"}}" done echo Applying updated sts $sts kubectl apply -n $namespace -f $tmp_dir/${sts}_updated.yaml echo Waiting for pvcs to get created back for $sts for pvc in $sts_pvcs do while true do pvc_status=`kubectl get pvc $pvc -n $namespace -o 'custom-columns=STATUS:.status.phase' --no-headers` if [ $pvc_status == "Bound" ]; then echo $pvc is Bound break fi echo $pvc is not yet Bounded done done for pv in $sts_pvs do echo Setting ReclaimPolicy of $pv to Delete kubectl patch pv $pv -n $namespace --patch '{"spec": {"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy": "Delete"}}' done echo Finished migrating storage class of sts $sts to $to_storage_class_name echo done echo Deleting tmp dir $tmp_dir rm -rf $tmp_dir echo Pre-upgrade step is done. Proceed with kfuse upgrade.