
Code Block
# user-mgmt-service:
#   config:
    # # Learn more:
    # # - "reserved" built group names (should not to be used):
    # #   "kf_admin", "kf_reader_all"
    # # - in built scope types:
    # #   scope_allow_all, scope_viewer_all, scope_allow_none
    # # - role types:
    # #   admin, editor, viewer
    # # Kloudfuse has following inbuilt RBAC policies
    # # rbac_allow_all - allows all operations for everyone
    # # rbac_allow_none - No accesss
    # # rbac_view_all - allow all READ operations for everyone
    # #
    # default_rbac_policy: rbac_allow_all
    # groups:
    # - name: group_admin
    #   users:
    #   - id_key: X-Auth-Request-Email
    #     value: admin1@company.com
    # - name: group_viewer_target_namespace
    #   users:
    #   - id_key: X-Auth-Request-Email
    #     value: op1@company.com
    # - name: group_editor_otel_namespace
    #   users:
    #   - id_key: X-Auth-Request-User
    #     value: maintainer2userid
    # rbac_policies:
    # - name: rbac_viewer_target_namespace
    #   role: viewer
    #   scope:
    #     filters:
    #     - key: kube_namespace
    #       op: =
    #       value: target
    #     type: custom
    # - name: rbac_editor_otel_namespace
    #   role: editor
    #   scope:
    #     filters:
    #     - key: kube_namespace
    #       op: =
    #       value: otel-demo-app
    #     type: custom
    # rbac_configs:
    # - group: group_admin
    #   policy: scope_allow_all
    # - group: group_viewer_target_namespace
    #   policy: rbac_viewer_target_namespace
    # - group: group_editor_otel_namespace
    #   policy: rbac_editor_otel_namespace
