Versions Compared


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Code Block
# Create a namespace.
kubectl create namespace kfuse-knight

# Get the container registry key from kloudfuse <token>.json -- (uploaded to the page)

# Make sure to create a k8s secret to use this registry access token which helm will use to upgrade/install

# On ubuntu (execute lines 9 through 13)
cat token.json | docker login -u _json_key  --password-stdin
kubectl create secret docker-registry kfuse-image-pull-credentials \
        --namespace='kfuse-knight' --docker-server '' --docker-username _json_key \
        --docker-email '' \
        --docker-password=''"$(cat token.json)"''

# On windows (execute lines 16 through 18)
type token.json | helm registry login -u _json_key  --password-stdin
$service_json = (Get-Content token.json).replace("\n", "").replace('"', '\"')
kubectl create secret docker-registry kfuse-image-pull-credentials --namespace=kfuse-knight --docker-server '' --docker-username _json_key --docker-email '' --docker-password=""$service_json""
# Get the latest knight chart version
helm upgrade --install knight oci:// --version=0.1.0-f381c699688fac -n kfuse-knight

Customizing the metrics to emit
