Before performing an upgrade, validate that the upgrade won’t revert any customization on your cluster. The steps to run a validation are detailed in here.
To check the current installed Kfuse version, run the following command:
Code Block |
helm upgrade --install -n kfuse kfuse oci://us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/mvp-demo-301906/kfuse-helm/kfuse --version <SPECIFY VERSION HERE> -f custom_values.yaml |
Upgrading to Kfuse version from 2.7 to 2.7.1
There is no specific pre-upgrade or post-upgrade steps for 2.7.1 release.
Upgrading to Kfuse version from 2.6.7 to 2.6.8 or 2.7
Package upgrades to remove service vulnerabilities. Beforehelm upgrade
you need to run a script that's related to the Kafka service. There will be some downtime between running the script and helm upgrade
. You can find the script here
Advance monitoring is available as an optional component in 1.3 and later releases. To enable:
Knight agent is required to be installed. Please review steps/settings here.
Additional agent settings required. Please review settings here.
Starting Kfuse version 1.3.0, Kfuse has added retention support using Pinot Minion framework. This feature requires changes to the existing Pinot Minion statefulset. The statefulset needs to be deleted prior to upgrade.