Requests - Choose to display:
The Total amount of requests and errors
The amount of Requests per second
Latency - Choose to display:
The Median/p75/p90/p95/p99/Max latency of your traced requests
The Latency distribution
The Apdex score for web services; learn more about Apdex
Error - Choose to display:
The Total amount of errors
The amount of Errors per second
The % Error Rate
Dependency Map:
The Dependency Map showing upstream and downstream services.
Sub-services: When there are multiple services involved, a fourth graph (in the same toggle option as the Dependency Map) breaks down your Total time spent/%of time spent/Avg time per request of your service by services or type.
This represents the total, relative, and average time spent by traces in downstream services from the current service to the other services or type.
Note: For services like Postgres or Redis, which are “final” operations that do not call other services, there is no sub-services graph.
See Requests, Latency, and Error graphs broken down by resource to identify problematic resources. Resources are particular actions for your services (typically individual endpoints or queries). Read more in Getting Started with APM.