To begin log hydration, select the Logs tab, and then the Hydration option in the dropdown menu.
The Logs Hydration interface opens on the Archives tab.
It lists all logs registered In Config (the Kloudfuse configuration) and In S3.
Every archive includes:
First archived record (date and time): This is the hour-granularity-location of the oldest archive object. Kloudfuse uses this timestamp (as a suggestion) when starting the hydration job. User is free to pick any other time.
First object created (date and time): This points to the timestamp of creation of the first object for that archive rule. It helps you to roughly identify when your organization installed the rule and logs made it to object store.
Name of the archive
Approximate size of the archive
In Config stipulates that the archive rule is active
In S3 denotes that the customer the archive is present in the object store. This helps in scenarios where a user at some point in the past created an archive rule that is now deleted.
The archives for that archive rule persist in archival storage
Location directory in the archive location
Filters that were used to select the log lines for the archive.
For example, if the user installed a new archive rule on 2024/09/24 15:00, and started archiving old logs from 2023/01/02 9:00 onwards, then:
Code Block First Archive Record is 2023-01-02 9:00:00 First Object Created is 2024-09-24 15:00:00