To collect the metrics from the GCP services like compute, storage, pub-sub etc, we need to make following changes to gcp.yaml
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# credentialCredential file (credentials.json) is provided by customer which is the key downloaded,
# for the service account with "MONITOR VIEWER" permissions to collect gcp metrics
# filename should credentials.json
kubectl create secret generic customer-pockfuse-sd-secret --from-file=./credentials.json
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# Update the typePrefixes to collect the metrics from relevant services of GCP
# as described here
enabled: true
enabled: false
httpTimeout: 30s
maxRetries: 3
## gcp project id
projectId: "YOUR PROJECT ID"
## create this secret with access credentials to gcp account
serviceAccountSecret: customerkfuse-poc-sd-secret
typePrefixes: ",,," |