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# Create a namespace. kubectl create namespace kfuse-knight # Get the container registry key from kloudfuse <token>.json -- (uploaded to the page) # Make sure to create a k8s secret to use this registry access token which helm will use to upgrade/install kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kfuse-knight # On ubuntu cat token.json | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin https://us-east1-docker.pkg.dev kubectl create secret docker-registry kfuse-image-pull-credentials \ --namespace='kfuse-knight' --docker-server 'us.gcr.io' --docker-username _json_key \ --docker-email 'container-registry@mvp-demo-301906.iam.gserviceaccount.com' \ --docker-password=''"$(cat token.json)"'' # On windows type token.json | helm registry login -u _json_key --password-stdin https://us-east1-docker.pkg.dev $service_json = (Get-Content token.json).replace("\n", "").replace('"', '\"') kubectl create secret docker-registry kfuse-image-pull-credentials --namespace=kfuse-knight --docker-server 'us.gcr.io' --docker-username _json_key --docker-email 'container-registry@mvp-demo-301906.iam.gserviceaccount.com' --docker-password=""$service_json"" # Get the latest knight chart version helm upgrade --install knight oci://us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/mvp-demo-301906/kfuse-helm/kfuse-knight --version=0.1.0-acb11f5c18b358 -n kfuse-knight |
Customizing the metrics to emit
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# The tags to include/exclude when emitting logs
# Exact field names can be specified.
# Regex pattern can be specified.
# If both includes and excludes are given, then a field is only included
# if it matches an includes rule and does not match an exclude rule..
# If a field is json formatted, then subfields can be extracted using
# the following format: field_name$JSON$<json pointer>
- request_type
- response_code
- request_path
- request_headers$JSON$/Accept
- request_headers$JSON$/Host
tags_exclude: |