Versions Compared


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  1. Create a new secret (say, kfuse-credentials) secret in kfuse namespace of your kloudfuse installation in the following format:

    Code Block
    apiVersion: v1
      GoogleApiKey: <API<Client KEY>Secret>
      GoogleClientId: <Client ID>
      GoogleDomain: <Google Domain>
      JwtSigningKey: "and0c2lnbmluZ2tleQ=="
      admin-user: <admin user>
      admin-password: <admin password>
    kind: Secret
      name: kfuse-credentials
    type: Opaque
    1. Replace/add Client ID, Client Secret and google domain - you will need to do base64 encode the Client ID, Client Secret and the google domain. You can also use the admin-user and admin-password fields in the kfuse-credentials secret to change the admin user and password from their default values. These values need to be base64 encoded.

    2. To encode the above values in base64 you can use the following command:

      Code Block
      echo -n <value to be encoded> | base64
    3. Code Block
      kubectl apply -f kfuse-credentials.yaml -n kfuse
  2. In the custom_values.yaml file that you used for kfuse helm chart installation, add the following lines:

    Code Block
          AUTH_TYPE: "google"
          existingAdminSecret: "kfuse-credentials"
          existingSecret: "kfuse-credentials"
  3. Install using the helm command with the custom_values.yaml .

  4. For the config to take effect, Restart the auth service using:

    Code Block
    kubectl rollout restart deployment auth

  5. You should now see a Google login button (if AUTH_TYPE is set to “google”) on the login page.
