Versions Compared


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Code Block
helm upgrade --install -n kfuse kfuse oci:// --version 2.0.01 -f custom_values.yaml


Upon completion of the above helm install you would see instructions for accessing the Kloudfuse Platform UI.


  • The standard default values of the Kfuse helm chart is configured for a single-node cluster install (without deepstore). The default values of the Kfuse helm chart can be viewed by running the command below. Any additional customization can be added to the custom_values.yaml.

    Code Block
    helm show values oci:// --version 12.30.01


To delete the kloudfuse installation, you can helm delete kfuse chart and/or delete the ‘kfuse’ namespace. helm delete does not get rid of the data stored in persistent disk or in the deepstore in the GCP/AWS/Azure cloud buckets.
