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  • If using an existing dd-agent version (and just pointing it to KloudFuse instead of DD HQ)

    • dd agent version needs to be 7.41 or higher.

    • validate using following steps:

      • check the chart version with helm list - should be 3.1.10 or higher

        Code Block
        helm list -n <namespace-where-agent-is-installed>
      • check the image version of the agent with describe pod on dd-agent pod.

        Code Block
        k describe pod -n <namespace-where-agent-is-installed> | grep Image
            Image:         gcr.io/datadoghq/agent:7.36.0

Install DataDog Agent


Scenario \ Cluster Scenario

install Setup Scenario


Kloudfuse stack & target both in same VPC and in same K8S cluster (Default)

This is the default scenario. Just use the provided values file for the agent and install.

Kloudfuse stack & target both in same VPC, but in different K8S cluster

Kloudfuse stack hosted in a different VPC (hosted at “customer.kloudfuse.io”)

Existing or new agent

use provided dd-values-kfuse-same-cluster-on-prem.yaml with the install command

Search for “url” in the provided file. Comment the Default Scenario and uncomment Scenario 1. For the IP address values needed, please see the following steps.

  • Get ingress internal IP

    Code Block
    kubectl get svc -n kfuse | grep kfuse-ingress-nginx-controller-internal
    kfuse-ingress-nginx-controller-internal   LoadBalancer   80:32716/TCP,443:30767/TCP   125m
update the provided dd-values-kfuse-diff-cluster-on-prem.yamlwith above ip address and following fields
  • replace all settings with “_url” suffix, for example:

    Code Block
    logs_dd_url: ""
  • use updated dd-values-kfuse-diff-cluster-on-prem.yaml with the install command.

  • use updated dd-values-kfuse-<customer>.yaml with the install command.

    Kloudfuse stack hosted in a different VPC (hosted at “customer.kloudfuse.io”)

    Search for “url” in the provided file. Comment the Default Scenario and uncomment Scenario 2. update each of the “_url” settings with the DNS name entry

    • replace all settings with “_url” suffix, for example:

      Code Block
      dd_url: http://customer.kloudfuse.io/ingester
      logs_dd_url: "customer.kloudfuse.io:443"

    Required Datadog configurations
