Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
   Name lua
   Match *
   Call append_rand_number
   Code function append_rand_number(tag, timestamp, record) math.randomseed(os.clock()*100000000000); new_record = record; new_record["rand_id"] = tostring(math.random(1, 1000000000)); return 1, timestamp, new_record end

Datadog Agent

Kube_cluster_name label does not show in Kfuse stack


MELT data ingested from Datadog agent is missing the kube_cluster_name label.


There is a known issue in Datadog agent cluster name detection that requires the cluster agent to be up. If the agent starts up before the cluster agent, then it fails to detect the cluster name. See .

A workaround is to do a rollout restart of the Datadog agent daemonset.

kubectl rollout restart daemonset datadog-agent