Table of Contents | ||||
Recording Rules
Add the configuration as described below in <custom_values.yaml>
to add recording rules to kfuse and reinstall the helm release. Change the rule name and expression as desired. Following example defines a recording rules to create a metric named application_availability_slo
using rule as specified in the expr
Code Block |
- name: recording_rules
- record: application_availability_slo
expr: sum by (kube_cluster_name, kube_service) (increase(promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code=~"2.*"}[28d])) / sum by (kube_cluster_name, kube_service) (increase(promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code=~"2.*|5.*"}[28d])) |
If you are adding multiple rules then its best to add them to a group of its own, as follows (using MyGroup
Code Block |
- name: my_group_rules
- record: rule_name_1
expr: sum by (kube_cluster_name, kube_service) (increase(promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code=~"2.*"}[28d])) / sum by (kube_cluster_name, kube_service) (increase(promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code=~"2.*|5.*"}[28d])) |
Dashboards & Alerts
Using Kloudfuse catalog service
Please refer to the catalog service documentation here.
Using grafana apis
Grafana Dashboards can easily be exported and imported, either from the UI or from the HTTP API
If using UI, the converted dashboards can be imported to grafana Grafana in your environment by simply following instructions from Grafana found here.
If using the command line (using the HTTP API), you will need an API key with admin privilege. You can create an API key by following these instructions. Also, you will need a folder to have been created to which the alerts will be With the API key generated, use the following command to import the provided/converted grafana Grafana dashboard:
Code Block # the curl command to import the dashboard curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED><API_KEY>' \ -X POST http://<grafana-url-colon-port><cluster-address>/grafana/api/dashboards/db -d @<converted-file-location.json>
Note that the following is intended to import to Grafana as per Grafana Alert Provisioning API. If you are importing the alerts definition to the Prometheus server directly, the input format (i.e., the converted file) is different. Please make sure to communicate with the Kloudfuse team prior to conversion to ensure that you have the correct format of the converted files.
Make sure to create a folder (namespace) for where the alerts need to be imported. Following command will use <NAMESPACE> as the placeholder for this.
# the curl command to import alerts.Code Block Update folderUID and ruleGroup in the alert json to match the folder where you wish to create the alert rule.
If you are unsure what the folderUID is of the destination folder, you can query get it using curl:
Code Block curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>' \ -X GET http://<cluster-address>/grafana/api/folders
If you don’t have a ruleGroup created already, you can create one by following these instructions.
If using the command line (using the HTTP API), you will need an API key with admin privilege. You can create an API key by following these instructions.
Code Block curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED><API_KEY>' \ -X POST http://<grafana-url-colon-port><cluster-address>/grafana/api/rulerv1/grafana/api/v1/rules/<NAMESPACE>provisioning/alert-rules -d @<converted-file-location.json>