Step 1. Login to Kloudfuse helm registry using the “
" provided in your email. (see here if following command fails). If you do not have this token or haven’t received the email, please contact us.
Code Block |
cat single-node-install-token.json | helm registry login -u _json_key --password-stdin https://us-east1-docker.pkg.dev |
Step 2. Create a namespace called “kfuse” to Install Kloudfuse. Create a secret for helm to pull the required docker images.
Code Block kubectl create ns kfuse kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kfuse kubectl create secret docker-registry kfuse-image-pull-credentials \ --namespace='kfuse' --docker-server 'us.gcr.io' --docker-username _json_key \ --docker-email 'container-registry@mvp-demo-301906.iam.gserviceaccount.com' \ --docker-password=''"$(cat single-node-install-token.json)"''
Step 3. create a custom_values.yaml file. If we have shared a yaml file with you then use that as a starting point and modify it as needed.
Add an orgId (typically the company name). This is a required field.
Code Block global: orgId: <REPLACE YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE>
Add an cloudProvider. This is a required field. Valid values are
, orazure
Code Block global: cloudProvider: <aws, gcp, or azure>
Optionally, add a section in custom_values.yaml specific to your cloud provider
Step 4. To install the Kfuse chart, run the following command (Please note helm version 3.8.1 or above is needed):
Anchor Helm-Install-Command Helm-Install-Command
Code Block |
helm upgrade --install -n kfuse kfuse oci://us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/mvp-demo-301906/kfuse-helm/kfuse --version 23.51.51 -f custom_values.yaml |
Upon completion of the above helm install you would see instructions for accessing the Kloudfuse Platform UI.
Code Block |
Info |
It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available. |
Watch the status:
Code Block |
kubectl get svc --namespace kfuse -w kfuse-ingress-nginx-controller' export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace kfuse kfuse-ingress-nginx-controller --template "{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{.}}{{ end }}") echo http://$SERVICE_IP |
Kloudfuse UI and Grafana Access
if helm registry login command does not work, you can substitute ‘helm registry login’ with ‘docker login’:
cat single-node-install- token.json | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin https://us-east1-docker.pkg.dev