Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
kubectl delete deployments.apps catalog-service rulemanager advance-functions-service


Since we moved hydration-service (HS) from a deployment to statefulset, post upgrade we need to manually delete the pod associated with it.

Since it is a deployment, HS pod will be running with a custom pod name (kubectl get pods | grep hydration-service) will fetch that.

Code Block
k delete pod hydration-service-<tag>

Upgrading to Kfuse version from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4


Code Block
./ kfuse-configdb-0 kfuse rbacdb 

rbacdb=# DELETE FROM users where email ISNULL and login ISNULL;


Code Block
kubectl rollout restart sts pinot-server-offline

kubectl port-forward --namespace kfuse deployments.apps/trace-query-service 8080:8080
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/v1/trace/query \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "query": "query { refreshServicesInApmStore(lookbackDays: 1) }"


See RBAC: Using the Admin Tab


  1. Connect to rbacdb

Code Block
> ./ kfuse-configdb-0 kfuse rbacdb 


The script is available in the customer repository under scripts directory


  • There are few changes in the pinot database which requires Pinot server to be restarted post upgrade with following command

    Code Block
    kubectl rollout restart sts -n kfuse pinot-server-offline pinot-server-realtime


  • On Azure, The kfuse-ssd-offline storage class is changed toStandardSSD_LRS disk type. The kfuse-ssd-offline storage class needs to be deleted prior to upgrade to allow the new version to update the disk type. Note that if the installation is not on Azure, then this step can be skipped.

    Code Block
    kubectl delete storageclass kfuse-ssd-offline


  • There are few changes in the pinot database which requires Pinot server to be restarted post upgrade with following command

    Code Block
    kubectl rollout restart sts -n kfuse pinot-server-offline pinot-server-realtime


  • Please update this prior to update with the script. Please reach out if you need assistance.


  • There are few changes in the pinot database which requires the some of the services to be restarted post upgrade with following command


Upgrading to Kfuse version 2.5.0


  • There are few changes in the pinot database which requires the some of the services to be restarted post upgrade with following command


Upgrading to Kfuse version 2.2.4


  • There are few changes in the pinot database which requires the pinot-* servers to be restarted post upgrade with following command


Upgrading from Kfuse version 2.1 or earlier


  • Kloudfuse provided alerts organization has been updated for better maintenance. Make sure to remove old version.


Upgrading from Kfuse version 2.0.1 or earlier


  • The Kfuse-provisioned dashboard has been cleaned up. Run the following command:


View file


  • Older kubernetes secret related configuration needs to be removed from the custom values.yaml file. Also kfuse-credentials secret can be removed.


Upgrading from Kfuse version 1.3.2 or earlier


  • There is a schema change introduced in version 1.3.3. Make sure to restart the Pinot servers after upgrade completes.


Code Block
kubectl exec -n kfuse alerts-postgresql-0 --  bash -c 'PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump -U postgres -F c alertsdb' > alertsdb.tar



Code Block
kubectl cp -n kfuse alertsdb.tar kfuse-configdb-0:/tmp/alertsdb.tar
kubectl exec -n kfuse kfuse-configdb-0 --  bash -c 'PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_restore -U postgres -Fc --clean --if-exists -d alertsdb < /tmp/alertsdb.tar'
kubectl delete pvc -n kfuse data-alerts-postgresql-0
kubectl delete pvc -n kfuse data-beffe-postgresql-0
kubectl delete pvc -n kfuse data-fpdb-postgresql-0
