Datadog Agent setup for Kubernetes
If using an existing dd-agent version (and just pointing it to KloudFuse instead of DD HQ)
dd agent version needs to be 7.41 or higher.
validate using following steps:
check the chart version with helm list - should be 3.1.10 or higher
helm list -n <namespace-where-agent-is-installed>
check the image version of the agent with describe pod on dd-agent pod.
k describe pod -n <namespace-where-agent-is-installed> | grep Image Image:
Install DataDog Agent
Agent install Setup Scenario | Steps |
Kloudfuse stack & target both in same VPC and in same K8S cluster (Default) | This is the default scenario. Just use the provided values file for the agent and install. |
Kloudfuse stack & target both in same VPC, but in different K8S cluster | Search for
Kloudfuse stack hosted in a different VPC (hosted at “”) | Search for
Collect high cardinality tags
The Datadog Agent is installed with cardinality set to ‘orchestrator’ level - allowing granular (pod and container level) tagging of metrics.. The default setting in the Datadog Agent is set to ‘low’ - allowing tagging only at host level.
Install command
If you haven’t before, add datadog helm repo:
Install the datadog agent with updated values (cmd below assumes the file is called dd-values-kfuse.yaml. Replace that argument with the filename that’s relevant to your scenario).
Adding custom tags
Custom tags can be added to the agent such that all metrics collected by the agent will have the tag added. To add custom tags, please follow these steps.
file to include following for the custom tags (please note that each tag should be added askey:value
as a string separated by the ":
") :
kfuse helm
file needs to be updated to whitelist the new custom tag (note that the following entry needs to be “appended” to the existing list, without which some default values will get overwritten which is not the desired behavior. Please contact the Kloudfuse team for assistance):
Enabling Pods to be detected by Prometheus Autodiscovery
In addition to prometheusScrape
to be enabled in the datadog values yaml, the pods needs to have the following annotations. Note that if the application pods are deployed using helm, typically the helm values support a podAnnotations
Metadata for metrics collected using the openmetrics check
If using the above configuration, then the openmetrics check is enabled in the agent. See here for more details on what openmetrics check does. Kloudfuse agent (installed using the provided values file) employs a custom check (kf_openmetrics) to collect metadata (the “Description” and “Type” of metrics) for metrics collected using the openmetrics check, which. by default, doesn’t collect any metadata. To enable collection of metadata for these metrics, the sources are required to be annotated which will enable the agent auto-discovery for these pods and execute the custom check.
Kubernetes environment
To enable metrics metadata to be collected from a Kubernetes pod (as shown in an example here) follow these steps (Note that this can be done in helm as well for each of the deployment/sts):
Advance monitoring using Knight
Enable kubernetes_state_metrics
Advance monitoring (Kfuse 1.3 or higher) currently has dependency on kubernetes_state_metrics (KSM) check which is not enabled in the newer version of the agent (2.0) by default. Please ensure that the agent continues to capture these metrics through KSM. To do that, please add/update the dd-agent values file as follows:
Enable Knight based monitoring in kfuse
Add knightEnabled
in the custom-values.yaml
and then upgrade the cluster.