In most cases, the ingestion to Kloudfuse data plane from various telemetry agents/collectors is secure (encrypted) due to using HTTPS (TLS) which provides transport layer encryption. More on the TLS handshake conducted between the clients and the server can be found online. This documentation explains how to add authentication to the ingestion in addition to confidentiality provided by HTTPS.
Kloudfuse supports many telemetry agents (choose the steps which are relevant to the agent you are using). To enable authentication for ingestion, follow these steps.
Step 1. Generate AUTH_TOKEN
Generate an auth token (referred to as AUTH_TOKEN
) and store this value in a safe location. You will need to use this later in more than one place.
AUTH_TOKEN=`cat /dev/urandom | env LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1`
Base64 encode the AUTH_TOKEN
(referred to as AUTH_TOKEN_ENCODED
Step 2. Configure Telemetry agents/sources
Prometheus Remote Write
Update prometheus remote write configuration as shown below:
prometheus.yml: remote_write: - url: https://<customer> authorization: credentials: <AUTH_TOKEN>
Fluent Bit
Update/Add the following Headers
field with AUTH_TOKEN
replaced with the one generated in step 1, in the HTTP
plugin section of the fluent-bit configuration file as shown below:
[OUTPUT] Name http Match <match_pattern> Host <kfuse_ingress_ip> Port 443 TLS on URI /ingester/v1/fluent_bit Headers Kf-Api-Key <AUTH_TOKEN>
DD/Kfuse agent
Update/Add the dd-agent configuration file to add the AUTH_TOKEN
as the apiKey
as shown below:
datadog: apiKey: <AUTH_TOKEN> ...
CloudWatch metrics & Logs (Kinesis)
If you already have a kinesis firehose data stream set up, then update the kinesis configuration to add or update the “access
token". Use the AUTH_TOKEN
value generated in step 1. Otherwise, please set one up and use the AUTH_TOKEN value in the “access token
" field.
Step 3: Configure kfuse
Use the base64 encoded value of the AUTH_TOKEN
) and create a kubernetes secret with the name kfuse-auth-ingest
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: kfuse-auth-ingest type: Opaque data: authToken: <AUTH_TOKEN_ENCODED>
Update the custom-values.yaml file to include following in the ingester config section:
ingester: config: authConfig: enabled: true