Before performing an upgrade, validate that the upgrade won’t revert any customization on your cluster. The steps to run a validation are detailed in here.
To check the current installed Kfuse version, run the following command:
helm list
Upgrading from Kfuse version 1.1.1 or earlier
A breaking change related to the number of postgresql servers installed as part of the Kfuse install was introduced after Kfuse version 1.1.0. Due to this, the stored alerts will be deleted if directly upgrading Kfuse. In order to retain the stored alerts, run the following pre and post upgrade steps below. Note that until the post-upgrade steps are executed, alerts & dashboards from pre-upgrade will not show up.
kubectl exec -n kfuse alerts-postgresql-0 -- bash -c 'PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump -U postgres -F c alertsdb' > alertsdb.tar
kubectl cp -n kfuse alertsdb.tar kfuse-configdb-0:/tmp/alertsdb.tar kubectl exec -n kfuse kfuse-configdb-0 -- bash -c 'PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_restore -U postgres -Fc --clean --if-exists -d alertsdb < /tmp/alertsdb.tar' kubectl delete pvc -n kfuse data-alerts-postgresql-0 kubectl delete pvc -n kfuse data-beffe-postgresql-0 kubectl delete pvc -n kfuse data-fpdb-postgresql-0
Upgrading from Kfuse version 1.0.4 or earlier
The Kfuse StorageClass resources need to be deleted prior to upgrade.
To check the current installed Kfuse version, run the following command:
helm list
To delete the storage class:
kubectl delete storageclass kfuse-ssd-aws kfuse-ssd-aws-gp3 kfuse-ssd-gcp
Otherwise, to upgrade just follow the install instructions as is.