RUM Event Exploration

RUM Event Exploration

The Kloudfuse RUM List menu item under the RUM section allows you to explore and visualize all the RUM events associated with your applications.

RUM List Page showing navigations available from the RUM Menu

By default you land on a listing of View events along with helpful charts that show the count of view events over time along with the latency distribution of page loading times.

To explore other types of events such as Resource and Action events select an event type from the dropdown. Right above is the time window picker that filters events by time.

Time Window and Event Type Selection

On this page you can use the sidebar on the left to apply filters and drill down to specific events that you would like to explore. You can also apply filters by typing on the Search bar.


The table shows a selection of attributes associated with each event. Use the Options button to select additional attributes as columns. You may sort the listing based on an attribute by clicking on the column heading for that attribute (e.g. try sorting by the Date attribute).


Clicking on an event takes you expands an event detail section for that specific event. The information displayed here will vary depending on the type of event you are looking into.


Visualizing RUM Events

You can visualize RUM events in multiple ways such as Time Series, Top List, Table, Pie Chart, Geo Map and Tree Map. All visualizations reflect any active filters that have been applied.

Time Series

To visualize RUM events as a time series pick an aggregation you want to apply and any attributes you want to group by. The same data can be rendered in multiple chart types such as Line chart, Bar chart, Area chart.

When picking attributes to group by you can limit how many members to render in that group as well as the criteria used to select group members.

Top List

This visualization only allows a single group by.


Pie Chart

Geo Map

This visualization automatically applies a group by of geo.country and shows the aggregations in a world map. You can hover over a country to see the aggregate result within that country.

Tree Map


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