

Infrastructure view allows users to view their overall resources from different vantage points. It also brings the unified view of each stream (MELT) for any resource. Currently, Kloudfuse supports Kubernetes resources. To view Kubernetes infrastructure view navigate to Infrastructure tab and click on Kubernetes.


One can navigate these through following views and related MELT for most Kubernetes resource types.


Following is the list of Kubernetes objects type which are available in the Infrastructure View.


Shows all Kubernetes Clusters. Each cluster detail has following information.


Shows the physical nodes which are hosting the clusters. Each host detail has following information.


Shows all of the Kubernetes namespaces. Each namespace detail has following information.


Shows all of the Kubernetes pods. Each pod detail has following information.


Shows all of the Kubernetes replica sets, deployments, stateful sets, jobs etc.


Shows all of the Kubernetes network objects like services and ingresses.


Shows all of the Kubernetes storage related objects like persistent volumes and claims.

Access Control

Shows all the Kubernetes cluster roles, bindings and accounts.

Listing, Grouping & Filtering

To view the list of objects and related MELT, select KUBERNETES and then select the object type (for example Pods) from the filters on the left pane as shown below.

Objects can be grouped and filtered by different dimensions as applicable. For example, listing pods can be grouped by service that they belong. Or filtered by the service that they belong.

Further select the object from the list view in the right panel to view the details of that object. Each object type presents metadata information pertaining to that object.

Following shows an example with a “Pod” object.

Related Objects

“View related” shows various related Kubernetes resources. For example, one can see the host on which the pod is running by selecting related “Nodes” as shown below after navigating to a specific Pod. The listed related object can be explored further.

Related MELT

Related MELT can be viewed by clicking the corresponding tabs as shown below. Note that certain information may not be present depending on the context. For example, clicking on Logs tab in the context of a persistent volume will not show any results.


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