Datadog Agent setup on EC2 instance

Datadog Agent setup on EC2 instance

To install datadog, run the below command on the instance. Make sure to replace the placeholder <dns> with the correct endpoint name.

DD_UPGRADE=true DD_API_KEY=kloudfuse DD_URL="https://<KFUSE-DNS>/ingester" bash -c "$(curl -L https://s3.amazonaws.com/dd-agent/scripts/install_script_agent7.sh)"

By default, the above command will start collecting and reporting - cpu, memory, network and uptime - metrics for the ec2 instance itself.

Configuring metrics collection

Datadog agent can be configured to more metrics by enabling various “checks”. For eg: to enable openmetrics check, copy the conf.yaml.example file into conf.yaml located in the openmetrics.d directory.

cp /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/openmetrics.d/conf.yaml.example /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/openmetrics.d/conf.yaml

Follow the documentation at - Getting Started with Datadog to configure the check.

Enable logs collection

Edit “/etc/datadog-agent/datadog.yaml” and set the following items.

additional_endpoints: "https://<KFUSE-DNS>/ingester": - apikey1 logs_enabled: true # collect_ec2_tags: true # collect_gce_tags: false metadata_providers: - name: host interval: 300 use_v2_api: series: true enable_payloads: events: false series: false service_checks: false sketches: false process_config: expvar_port: 0 cmd_port: 0 logs_config: logs_dd_url: <KFUSE-DNS>:443 logs_no_ssl: false force_use_http: true use_compression: true use_v2_api: false

Starting with Agent v6.19+/v7.19+, HTTPS transport is the default transport used. For more details, refer to the Agent transport documentation.

Follow the documentation at Host Agent Log collection to add files to collect logs from. Note the start_position setting in the custom conf.yaml if you are tailing custom files, to ensure receiving all the data and not just the “live” data.

For Dual Shipping logs (both Datadog and Kloudfuse) use the following configuration:


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