Update postgresql default password

Update postgresql default password

There are two postgresql databases kfuse-configdb and orchestrator-postgresql that Kloudfuse installation uses and both are using the default password obtained from kfuse-pg-credentials secret.

If you wish to update the default password for postgresql, it can be updated with following steps

  1. Get the default password with following steps

kubectl -n kfuse get secret kfuse-pg-credentials -o yaml apiVersion: v1 data: postgres-password: <<default password base64 encoded>> postgresql-password: <<default password base64 encoded>> postgresql-postgres-password: <<default password base64 encoded>> postgresql-replication-password: <<default password base64 encoded>> kind: Secret metadata: . . .
  1. Decrypt the default password

echo -n <<default password base64 encoded>> | base64 -d # Ignore the end character %
  1. Login to kfuse-configdb and change the default postgres password

kubectl -n kfuse exec -it kfuse-configdb-0 -- bash I have no name!@kfuse-configdb-0:/$ psql -U postgres Password for user postgres: psql (14.11) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \password postgres Enter new password for user "postgres": Enter it again: postgres=# exit
  1. Login to orchestrator-postgresql and change the default postgres password

  1. Base64 Encode the new password

  1. Edit the existing kfuse-pg-credentials secret and update with new base64 encoded password

  1. Restart the dependent services to update with the new password

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