Configure Ingestion Authentication

Configure Ingestion Authentication


To enable authentication for ingestion, follow these 3 steps. For step 2 choose the section relevant to the agents being used.

Step 1. Generate AUTH_TOKEN

Generate an auth token (referred to as AUTH_TOKEN) and store this value in a safe location. You will need to use this later in more than one place.

AUTH_TOKEN=`cat /dev/urandom | env LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1`

Base64 encode the AUTH_TOKEN (referred to as AUTH_TOKEN_ENCODED )


Step 2. Configure Telemetry agents/sources

Follow instructions for the corresponding sources below.

  1. Prometheus Remote Write

  2. Fluent Bit

  3. Fluentd

  4. Filebeat

  5. OLTP Collector for Metrics/Logs/Traces

  6. Datadog/Kfuse agent

  7. AWS CloudWatch metrics & Logs (Kinesis)

  8. AWS Eventbridge Events

Prometheus Remote Write

Update prometheus remote write configuration as shown below:

prometheus.yml: remote_write: - url: https://<customer>.kloudfuse.io/ingester/write authorization: credentials: <AUTH_TOKEN>

If you’re using prometheus operator, please refer to the configuration below

Fluent Bit

Update/Add the following Headers field with AUTH_TOKEN replaced with the one generated in step 1, in the HTTP plugin section of the fluent-bit configuration file as shown below:

Using Kubernetes Secret for setting the Kf-Api-Key

  1. Create a secret as following

  1. Update the fluent-bit helm custom-values.yaml as below



Update/Add the fluentd output http plugin configuration to add a “headers" field as described below using the Kf-Api-Key and AUTH_TOKEN:


Update/Add the filebeat configuration to include the api_key field within the output section:

OLTP Collector for Metrics/Logs/Traces

Update/Add following headers section in the exporters section.

DD/Kfuse agent

Update/Add the dd-agent configuration file to add the AUTH_TOKEN as the apiKey as shown below:

Azure Event Hub

Update the index.js file in your FunctionApp's Trigger Function to add the AUTH_TOKEN as the KF_API_KEY as shown below:

To configure sending logs to your kloudfuse platform, follow the steps on this wiki page.

AWS CloudWatch metrics & Logs (Kinesis)

When configuring kinesis firehose data stream to send logs/metrics from Cloudwatch, use the AUTH_TOKEN value generated in step 1 as the access token. If the firehose data stream is already setup, then update it to use AUTH_TOKEN value as access token.

AWS Eventbridge Events

When configuring Eventbridge to ingest to Kloudfuse, use AUTH_TOKEN as the value for the Kf_Api_Key.

Step 3: Configure kfuse

Use the base64 encoded value of the AUTH_TOKEN (AUTH_TOKEN_ENCODED) and create a kubernetes secret with the name kfuse-auth-ingest:

Multiple Authorization Keys

New feature available in Release 2.7.2

You can configure multiple authorization tokens inside the secret. These tokens can contain any string value, and can be used as a human-readable identifier to reference the auth token.

Here, line 8 specifies the second key, authkey2.

Remember to update the custom-values.yaml file to enable ingestion authentication:

Configuration of Additional Labels based on Auth Token

From Kloudfuse 2.7.2 onwards, additional labels can be configured to be attached to MELT data based on the auth token used by the incoming payload.

To configure these labels, add the following in the custom-values.yaml (replace accordingly). Take note that the same keys are used in the secret and the ingester config.

Restart the ingester post the auth-token changes

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